Please use the form below to register with eBridge. Registration is free but is required in order to access the eBridge suite of services. All information provided in this registration form will only be used by eBridge and will not be shared with any third parties. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact us at 877-245-8880 or email us at
Companies are registering with eBridge each day that offer different products and services to both the public and private sectors. To help quickly associate your offerings with that of the bid opportunities that eBridge provides, we ask that you build a list of products and services provided by your company.
A simple search of common words and phrases provides a listing of pre-defined categories in which to choose from. Note, you may repeat this process multiple times to ensure that all your offerings are identified. The below listed Steps will guide you through the process.
Enter common words and phrases to describe your offerings and then click the find button.
While holding down on “CtrL” key on your keyboard, select your company’s offerings. After selecting your company’s offerings click the add button.
The offerings that you had selected from the first list box will now appear in the bottom list box. The offerings that are added to the bottom list box are the offerings that your company offers.
To remove an offering that has been associated with your company on accident, select the offering to be removed from the bottom list box and then click the button that says remove.
The offering you selected will be removed from the bottom list box and your company will no longer be associated with that offering.